Pathfinder Returns to the Fleet - Brigs

Pathfinder Returns to the Fleet

Sail Training Vessel Pathfinder Returns Home to BRIGS

The Sail Training Vessel (STV) Pathfinder is coming home to Brigs Youth Sail Training (Brigs). Once the flagship of Brigs, the Pathfinder is returning to its original mission of empowering youth through transformative sail training experiences.

The Pathfinder has been acquired by Brigs as part of a generous collaboration with Breakwater Investments, the McKeil Family Foundation and the Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority (HOPA). The acquisition will be completed with a fundraising campaign launched by BRIGS as it enters the 2025 season.

“We are thrilled to welcome Pathfinder back as a permanent part of our fleet,” said Matt Snell, President of Brigs Youth Sail Training Board of Directors. The acquisition will mark the next step in a multi-year journey that saw Pathfinder’s temporary return under charter in 2022 and 2023.

STV Pathfinder under charter in 2022

A Legacy Renewed

Pathfinder holds a special place in the hearts of BRIGS alumni and Canada’s maritime heritage,” said Snell. “Commissioned in 1964, Pathfinder was one of the country’s first purpose-built sail training vessels, offering life-changing experiences for over six decades. Together with her sister ship, Playfair, Pathfinder introduced thousands of young people to the challenges and rewards of life at sea.”

In 2017, financial pressures and regulatory changes forced Brigs to sell Pathfinder. However, the community celebrated her return to the fleet under a loan and charter arrangement in 2022 and 2023. Now, thanks to Breakwater Investments and HOPA, Pathfinder is permanently back in Brigs’ hands, ensuring her legacy will inspire future generations.

Expanding BRIGS’ Mission

"The return of the original vessel, Pathfinder, to sail training is exciting for the Hamilton community, and we’re incredibly honored to lend support and be a partner to Brigs," said Blair McKeil, CEO of Breakwater Investments. “Through The McKeil Family Foundation, we have donated $600,000 in support to Brigs, which represents 50% of our investment to acquire and restore The Pathfinder. The teamwork and skills that youth gain through the sail training program foster self-confidence, leadership, and character building. Most importantly, it connects young people from all walks of life and nurtures lifelong friendships."

“Brigs has really flourished at the Port of Hamilton, and we’ve been proud to have a hand in that” said Ian Hamilton, President & CEO of HOPA. In 2020 Brigs Youth Sail Training was given a new home base in Hamilton Harbour, with access to subsidized docking, workshop and training space courtesy of HOPA.

“We have received an incredible welcome in Hamilton,” said Snell. “HOPA was first to the table to help us make this move and now we are part of a thriving port community with a bright future.” Pathfinder’s return represents a sustainable future for BRIGS’ programs, allowing more youth aged 13-18 to benefit from its life-changing experiences.

Mr Blair McKeil, Mr Ian Hamilton, honoured guests, and Directors at the Re-Commissioning Ceremony for STV Pathfinder in June 2022


Call for Community Support

Brigs Youth Sail Training will kick off a formal fundraising campaign shortly to complete the acquisition, undertake critical updates and prepare Pathfinder for her for many seasons to come. Support from the community is vital to ensure that Pathfinder remains a safe, vibrant platform for youth development. Donations will help secure a bright future for this iconic vessel. Donors wishing to contribute to Brigs now can do so at


Youth Volunteer Crew and Staff with the Lt Governor of Ontario at the Re-Commissioning Ceremony in 2022

Youth Volunteer Crew and Staff working on STV Pathfinder's restoration in 2022

STV Pathfinder under charter in 2023

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