Grade II - Petty Officer - Lectures
Download the latest version of the grade standards
- Welcome to TBI Handout Presentation
- Rules & policies
- Structure & ranks
- Chain of command
- General safety Handout Presentation
- General TBI Safety
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Parts of a vessel Handout Presentation
- Appendix II-F
- Sails, rigging, and rigs Handout Presentation
- Appendix II-F
- Appendix II-G
- Anchors & anchoring Handout Presentation
- Soundings & lead-lines
- Anchors
- Anchoring
- Knots & splices Handout Presentation
- Appendix II-D
- Shipbuilding & basic shipboard systems Handout Presentation
- Wooden, steel, and GRP ship construction
- Electrical system basics
- Plumbing system basics
- Stability basics
- Safety on board Handout Presentation
- Muster list
- Safety equipment
- Care of safety equipment
- Introduction to navigation Handout Presentation
- Radio terms
- Importance of bow watch
- Being a Petty Officer (1/2) Handout
- Duties
- Responsibilities
- Being a Petty Officer (2/2) Handout
- Leadership
- Professionalism
Extra Material:
- A brief overview of the Great Lakes Handout Presentation
- History of TBI Handout Presentation
- Tools Handout Presentation