Brigs has several awards that are presented to participants of our Winter Program every year.
Deep Sea Award
Offered since 1970, this award is presented to the Wardroom Officer that best exemplifies the qualities of leadership, seamanship, and commitment to the program. The DSA is sponsored by the Naval Officers Association of Canada, and has three components:
1 – Plaque and sextant used in the laying of the first Trans-Atlantic cable. This symbolizes the Trans-Atlantic links that have always existed in Canadian sail training.
2 – Arrangement of a berth on another tall ship somewhere else in the world. Emphasis has been on placing the recipient with an overseas organization where possible.
3 – Scholarship donated by the Naval Officers Association of Canada to finance the exchange.
Additional consideration is given to Wardroom Officers who intend to return the following year, so that their experience in the exchange portion of the award can be shared with the participants of the Brigs program.
Past Winners
2023 Owen Sedgwick
2022 Nina Nissim-Stem
2021 Connor Teskey
2019 Justin Schoenhofer
2018 Rowan Perry
2017 Conrad Schoenhofer
2016 Caedon Kingdon
2015 Tom Williams
2014 Robin Leaver
2013 Noah Krantz
2012 Max Kingfisher
2011 Jonah Charny
2010 Taeo Tsagkaris and Riley King
2009 Ben Dennis
2008 Sean Parsonage & Josiah Chacon-Lontin
2007 Rosy Neale
2006 Anna Mayberry
2005 Melina Giannella
2004 Mark Mayberry
2003 Julian Schroer
2002 Servane Phillips
2001 Liz Greflund
2000 Rhys Weed
1999 Emilie Shipman
1998 Kyle Boland
1997 Peter Wills
1996 Linsey McLean
1995 Jeremy White
1994 Josh Mackey
1993 Hans Lundberg
1992 Steve Dennis
1991 Liane MacGregor
1990 Stefen Thorarinson
1989 Mark Allen
1988 Darren Holmes
1987 Seann O’Donoughue
1986 Thorfi Thorinson
1985 Peter Hacksel
1984 Dan Pettit
1983 Paul Hickey
1982 Michael Blair
1981 John Ryan
1980 Martin Wanless
1979 Andrew Knight
1978 James Tannahill
1977 Douglas Garlick
1976 Anthony Case
1975 Dana Kennedy
1974 Paul Clarke
1973 James Hamer
1972 John Hamer
1971 Greig Cooke
1970 John Clinton
Seamanship Award
This award is given to the Winter Program trainee who best demonstrates commitment and enthusiasm to the program, and has potential to succeed as an officer. An engraved rigging knife, sponsored by the Company of Master Mariners of Canada, Great Lakes Division. For many years this award was sponsored by Brett Colville, and by Brigs alumnus Captain Seann O'Donoughue.
Past Winners
2023 Sara Judson
2022 Heather Yeo and Megan Mason
2021 Nina Nissim-Stem
2019 Hannah MacLeod Kerr
2018 Lindsay Buckingham
2016 Micah Bakan
2015 Maria Bukli
2014 Conner Maynard-Mee
2013 Tom Williams
2012 Lauren Richardson
2011 Noah Krantz
2010 Mattheus Fackelmann
2009 James Wannell
2008 Taeo Tsagkaris
2007 Amanda Pileggi
2006 Riley King
2004 Allison Creba
2003 Melina Giannella
1998 Erin Philp
1997 Robin Palancer Pascal
1996 Tim Pyron
1995 Catherine O'Neil
1991 Steve Dennis
1990 Lesley MacLean
1989 Ramsay Hart
1988 Stefan Thorarinson
1985 Torfi Thorarinson
1983 Peter Pownall
1982 Dan Pettit
1980 Mike Blair